Forex Glossary

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Scalper: Traders who are implement scalping strategy for trading. Scalpers try to catch small fluctuations in the market to make small profits. 

Scalping: A trading strategy in which traders try to make profits from small fluctuations. The goal of a scalper (traders who implement this strategy) is to buy (or sell) a number of lots and then sell (or buy) them as quickly as possible for small profits. 

Soft Currency: A currency that fluctuates as a result of its country's political or economic uncertainty. Soft currencies are avoided by most of the forex dealers because of its instability. 

Sovereign Risk: A risk that a central bank will change its foreign exchange regulations reducing the value of the currency contracts. 

Speculator: A person who trades in the markets by taking higher than average risk in return for higher than average return. 

Spot Exchange Rate: It is the foreign exchange rate for immediate delivery. It is also known as straightforward rate, outright rate or benchmark rate. 

Spot Next: A type of contract which denotes the delivery of a purchased currency on a future date. Spot next contracts come in many lengths. E.g., spot one week contract indicates the delivery after one week of the trade date. 

Standard Lot: Size of a contract for 100,000 units of base currency. 

Swissie: A slang used for Swill Franc.